I hope you enjoy your visit to my virtual slot car museum. I have been
collecting rail and slot cars since 1995. I have tried to build a worldwide collection
including cars, sets, accessories, buildings, figures, books, and catalogs.
I currently have around 5000 cars & over 600 sets. My favorite cars & sets are those made
between 1912 & 1960. These were the early days when it had not been decided what scale was best
or which system was better suited. It was also the least documented & misunderstood period
of electric race car production. Most people believe slot cars strarted in 1957 with Scalextric
& VIP, but there is a rich history of almost continual production & experiment in electric
race & roadway sets from 1912 to 1957 from all over the world. We know of at least 15 manufacturers
of electric race & roadway sets up to 1956 & there are rumors of others we haven't documented.
This is not including experimental cars & sets made before 1956 which are numerous.
You will find in this website cars of all scales and systems. Some cars ar sheet metal, diecast,
vacuum formed, rubber, & injected molded plastic. I also have collected catalogs, books, magazines,
figures, controllers, & buildings in all of their varied forms, shapes, and sizes. Some systems
are complex and others are simple. You will see many things, which we thought we knew in the 1960's,
were already thought of or made decades before.
My goal with this website museum is to explore and document our hobbies, history, and to share it
with you. I hope this enriches your love of our hobby and the friendships we've made through it.
I would also like to thank all of you who have helped me collect and educate me in this hobby.
-Bernard Sampson

Slot Classic, LillyLedy, Strombecker, Marx,Tempo, MRRC,Sankyo,Argentinian slot cars, Lionel,Velasor, Tomy,Troby,C24,Prefo,Marusan,Cartronic,Riggen,RAC,Scalelextric, & Merit, A 3 lane Minic set !!!!!!!!!!! and 2 Cragstan Mini Coopers !!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN APPEAL: I AM LOOKING TO BUY A STROMBECKER H31 SET. THIS WAS THE FIRST 1/32 SET THEY MADE. IT WAS MADE IN 1960. IT HAS A JAG D ,& A MASERATI. BOTH HAVE A RED CAN MOTOR WITH A LONG SHAFT & A WHITE NYLON CHASSIS,GUIDE,& WHEELS. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WILL SELL ME THIS SET. IM ALSO LOOKING FOR THE ELMODAN (DMI) CARS OR SETS MADE IN DENMARK(MASERATIS & VWs) Also an Electromat set from Texas. THANKS,BERNARD ---------------------------------------- NEW ! A LOT OF NEW GREAT and SOME VERY VERY RARE STUFF TO BE ADDED ! STAY TUNED------------------------------!
WANT LIST -Marusan ho Volvo 1800, DMI Eldodan cars & sets,1st 1/32 1960 Strombecker set, Tippco bus, Kokomo firetruck,any rail cars,Welkut set, MRRC railcar set, any arcade sets or cars from the 1920s-1950s, Electromat slot car set from Texas, Gakken ho set or cars. You can see no matter how much you have ,you still cant get it all. Come & visit the museum. If you like slot cars I promise you an experience you will have no where else in the world. The museum has been featured many times on tv,including Extreme Collectors & American Pickers. I PUT IN A NEW SECTION UNDER THE NAME AFGHANISTAN (of course there were no cars made there)THEY ARE VARIOUS FUN PHOTOS. PLEASE HELP ME IDENTIFY THE COMPANY & DATE OF MY GAZ POBEDA SLOT CAR (SOVIET). THE RUSSIAN SLOT CAR MAY HAVE BEEN MADE BEFORE 1956 .ITS METAL,1/43RD ? VIBRATOR AC MOTOR.IT IS IN THE UNKNOWN SECTION. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO OFFER ME ,PLEASE LET ME KNOW.THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO LOOKS AT MY SITE . MY MUSEUM IN HOUSTON IS OPEN TO ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO COME & VISIT. EVERYTHING ON THIS WEBSITE ARE THINGS WHICH ARE IN MY COLLECTION OR (IN A VERY FEW CASES) HAVE BEEN.THE MUSEUM HAS OVER 7,000 CARS, & OVER 760 SETS ! TONS OF BOOKS,CATALOGS,ACCESSORIES,ETC. IF YOU LOVE SLOT CARS & THEIR HISTORY COME VISIT.THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE LIKE THIS ON EARTH. ONLY IN TEXAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
